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Enjoy the Holidays with GPL
December is the season for holiday cheer! Check out what GPL has to make your season brighter as it starts to get a bit chilly outside.
Honoring Heroes: Veterans Day
Since 1954 the U.S. has designated Nov 11 as Veterans Day. On this day we remember and honor their service for the freedoms we enjoy.
Horror 101
From gothic mysteries to gruesome slashers, eerie hauntings to creepy dolls, we have a short list of items to try out this Halloween season.
Enjoy the Holidays with GPL
December is the season for holiday cheer! Check out what GPL has to make your season brighter as it starts to get a bit chilly outside.
Honoring Heroes: Veterans Day
Since 1954 the U.S. has designated Nov 11 as Veterans Day. On this day we remember and honor their service for the freedoms we enjoy.
Horror 101
From gothic mysteries to gruesome slashers, eerie hauntings to creepy dolls, we have a short list of items to try out this Halloween season.
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