Letter from the Library Director

As the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan draws to a close, the Library Board and staff are gearing up for our next strategic planning cycle and we need your valuable input as we work to outline our priorities for the coming years.

Our previous strategic plan resulted in significant enhancements, including launching a new website, adopting a customer service model focused on delivering exceptional service, expanding community partnerships, and increasing outreach to underrepresented groups. These changes all started from listening to community voices like yours.

Now, we are eager to hear from you again. What do you love about our services? What can we do better? How can the library support our community in addressing challenges?

Please take a few minutes to complete our quick survey, opens a new window—it should take just 5 to 10 minutes. The more feedback we receive, the more effectively we can tailor our services to meet community needs and expectations, so please encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to take the survey as well.

Your input is critical in guiding us to what matters most to you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. As always we are grateful for your support.

Lindsey Dorfman, Library Director

We welcome your respectful and on-topic comments and questions in this limited public forum. To find out more, please see Appropriate Use When Posting Content. Community-contributed content represents the views of the user, not those of Glenview Public Library