Local Author Meet & Greet Event Request Glenview Public Library Quarterly Local Author Meet & Greet. A quarterly event held in GPL’s Lobby where local authors who reside in Glenview or have a connection to the Glenview community can present their books to the public. Name First Last PhoneEmail My Connection to Glenview is: I am a Glenview resident My book is set in Glenview I have a connection to Glenview. My connection is: (please explain in the space below) Title of book: Publisher (or self-published) and publication date: Book Type: Fiction Nonfiction Book Audience: Adult Teen Youth Brief Description of Book:Has your book been professionally reviewed? If yes, where? Anything else you would like us to know about your book?I would like to request the following for my event (check all the apply): 6 foot rectangular table and 2 chairs Library laptop Face-out monitor Would you like to donate a copy of your book to the Glenview Public Library local author collection? Yes No CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.