Find your thing!
Items in the Library of Things collection are available for check-out to GPL cardholders ages 18 and older at the Circulation Desk. All items check out for two weeks with the exception of the Backyard Theater Bundle which has a one-week checkout.
Entertainment & Games
Spice up your next family get together or board game night with one of these gems from the Library of Things collection.
Hobbies & Exploration
Search for treasure, gaze at stars, knit a sweater, and more with these items available for check out in our Library of Things collection.
Home & DIY
Tackle your next home improvement or DIY project with these items from our Library of Things collection.
Technology Equipment
Create videos, record sound, connect to the internet, and more with these items available for checkout from the Library of Things.
Suggest a Purchase
Can’t find an item in the collection? GPL cardholders may suggest an item to be added to the Library’s collection.