Board of Trustees

Glenview Public Library is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of seven members elected by the residents of Glenview. Actions by the Board of Trustees are regulated by the laws of the State of Illinois pertaining to local libraries.


Thomas Blanchard, President
Term ends 2027

Sara Spitz, Vice President
Term ends in 2027

M. David Johnson, Secretary
Term ends in 2027

Kathy Davis Vega
Term ends 2025

Ruth Rosenblum
Term ends 2025

Jeff Rowitz
Term ends 2025

Carol A. Schmitt
Term ends in 2025

Library and Board Committees

Budget & Finance
Building & Grounds
Bylaws & Policies
Strategic Planning

Board of Trustee Bylaws

Trustees are elected for a term of four years, except in the case of a Trustee elected to fill a Board vacancy. Board terms are staggered in accordance with provisions of the Illinois Library Act.

Questions, Comments & Suggestions for the Board of Trustees

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