Ten Tips for Building a Home Library

It’s important to make books a fixture in your home, so your child sees books and they become a part of everyday life. Here are some great tips for how to build a home library:

  1. Celebrate milestones with a book! Get started with Perfect Books for Baby Shower Gifts
  2. Include some of your favorite books from childhood.
  3. Shop at the Used Bookstore at the Library.
  4. Make sure books are available in multiple areas of your home—the more books are accessible, the easier they are to read!
  5. Add books to your child’s birthday or holiday wish lists.
  6. Visit local Little Free Libraries, including the Library’s in Jackman Park.
  7. Purchase books that will grow with your child, such as nonfiction books or special collections.
  8. Rotate titles! Seasonal and holiday books become extra special when your child can look forward to reading them each year.
  9. Participate in a Book Swap with other families in the area.
  10. Consider saving some of your child’s favorites for them to look back on when they’re older or to read with their own children.